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Every Tuesday night, radio talk show host Stevie Bricks invites his listeners to call in and share “the worst thing they’ve ever done.” Tonight, Ron Welz (writer/director Onur Tukel) is ready to share his story. But soon after he confesses on the air, someone starts sending him severed body parts. Ron becomes paranoid, terrified. His life begins to unravel. His marriage begins to fall apart. He has no idea who’s tormenting him. Is it his insolent high school student? Is it his best friend? His own wife? In a city like New York, there are eight million suspects and each one could have a bone to pick with someone like Ron.
Take dark comedy, mix it with noir, add a dash of horror and you have the recipe for one of the most original and unusual movies of the year.

Applesauce is now available on DVD & Blu-ray
Bonus feature include:
- Commentary with Onur Tukel
- Deleted Scenes
- Blooper Reel
- Trailer

“One of the funniest films of the year!”
“Brightly amusing. You never know where the story is headed, but you can trust that it will be someplace worth going.”
“Witty… The ensemble has a crisp chemistry.”
“With its sarcastic dialogue, deadpan humor, believably flawed characters and surreal logic, “Applesauce” may expand Tukel’s growing indie fan base into niche release.”
“Wonderful humor and naturalistic performances by the exceptional cast.”
“Riotous… New York comedy is rarely more scathing… Never ceases to amuse.”
“Tukel’s strong script, seamlessly shifting between a well-balanced mixture of genre elements, is amplified by the performances from the four principal cast members.”
“Morbidly hilarious!”

For press and publicity inquires, contact Daniela Sapkar at 201.280.0240 or
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